Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Happier than Expected

I've been home for a little over a month. And I am loving it. I have been more social than I had been during the last year living in Oshkosh. It amazes me how much my friends have grown, matured, got their shit together and yet, they are the same immature, loud, inappropriate, idiots I loved in high school. I am feeling more grounded and more myself.

I have been working for the Boys and Girls Club for the last month. I've been in the 3rd grade classroom, working as a base room leader and now I'm starting to teach Social Skills, which I wasn't supposed to begin until the summer (long story... people had to leave the program). I'm excited to get the kids interested in learning about social skills and make it fun. The previous leader liked using books to read and the kids are getting bored... so I'm excited to make it fun! Play games! Learn while they don't know they're learning!

I've also been talking to guys on on-line dating apps. Just talking. Remembering what its like to be myself while talking to other people, introducing myself. Remembering who I am. It's been tricky. Being with the ex was easy. We knew each other, didn't have to talk about ourself, just were. And that was one of our problems. We stopped talking about our thoughts, our dreams, were we saw ourselves. I am SO not ready for another relationship. I am not ready to jump into something. But I am ready to meet people and have fun again.

I had been second guessing moving home until I actually did it. My ego got in the way. "I have 2 degrees." "I should be able to take care of myself." blah. blah. blah. But now that I'm here, it was just what I needed. A reset button. Cheap (free) housing. Help with Polly. Help with groceries. Reconnecting with friends and family. The perfect place for me to be before finding my next adventure in the world. <3 p="">
As some of my friends told me before I made the move, going home is just what you need to find yourself. I am so thankful to have a place to come home to. :)