Saturday, August 21, 2010

(Almost) Quarter Life Crisis and Birthday

So Tuesday I flipped. I had a break down. I'm bored at my job and I don't think I can last a year.  I thought about quitting for the afternoon and tried looking for another job for a bit but then I realized that I can't quit... there is too much that I would be giving up and I committed a year.  So I've decided to use the time that I have sitting at my desk for productive things.  I've decided to apply for a Peace Corps program called Master's International- going to grad school for one year and then 2 years of service for the internship.  I started studying for my GRE (which I take in November), filling out applications and will be taking inline classes to finish up the pre-reqs I need (a couple psych classes).  I will also be taking the Master Gardener's training and french through WITC.  I'm going to be productive with my boredom. :)

My 23rd birthday was last Wednesday.  Wanna know what I did? NOTHING! haha. I went shopping with my mom a bit then I watched Veronica Mars on Netflix... super exciting right? not really... I need more friends. hm. But I am currently in La Crosse to celebrate.  I came down yesterday for my friend Steve's going away party, that was fun! I hung out with a bunch of his friends that I don't really know that well.  Then today I was supposed to drive to Madison for Urban Horticulture Day for work, but my car started flashing warning lights like it did when my transmission went out last year so I stopped.  My engine was smoking, which is just because fluid was leaking I guess.  The mechanic I brought it to said it was okay to drive so I came back to La Crosse. Right before the exit, the light started flashing again so now I'm chilling in Starbucks... I hate Starbucks. I don't really know why.  It just rubs me the wrong way I guess... anyway.  Tonight is my party and I can't wait! I'll keep you posted on the details about the event :)


  1. hope you had a good time in La Crosse. Sorry we didn't get to meet up. Happy Birthday!

  2. "I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom"
    - Thomas Carlyle

    It's about time that you figured out that you can use downtime at a boring job to pursue your personal interests... ;)
