Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Roller Coaster of a Weekend

So let's see... this weekend had some highs- ARI! and some lows- having someone flake, again... Why don't I start with Thursday.

As I said in my last post, I went to Ari Herstand's last show in Minneapolis before he moves to LA.  It was EPIC!!  My older brother, Adam, and my best friend, Katie, joined me for the show.  Neither of them had ever heard of Ari but now both like them and Katie loves him.  Everything about the show was great.  The venue, the Varsity, was friggin' awesome!  Super chill, slightly gothic vibe, super sweet.  The other bands that we caught were great too! I have found another great band to listen to from MSP, ReadyGoes.  I've heard of them before, as their bass slept on my couch last fall, but seeing them live was awesome!  Then Ari came on.  He is... beautiful. haha. He is such a great guy! His show was amazing, as always.  I have pics and video that I need to get online.  After the show, I found Alex, lead singer for Roster McCabe, and DJ, guitar player, and chatted with both of them.  They both invited us to hang out for a bit for the after show.  So we sat, drank a little, ate pizza and chatted with a bunch of people.  It was amazing.  Such a great night!

The next day, I hung out at Katie's and played with Aiden, my godson.  It was great just hanging out doing nothing with someone else. Plus Aiden is so cute and sweet.  He is now 13 months old.  He says Mama, Dada and ball. lol. He loves bubbles and playing fetch with Ash, Austin's dog.

Friday night was fun. I went to a drive in with my friend Clayton, yes just a friend, we are each other's outlet for fun these days. He's a farmer and doesn't really get off of the farm unless I make him. lol.  We went to go see Ramona and Beezes, I'd already seen it but  I love it. It is super cute and hilarious!

On Saturday, I was super excited about going to the grand opening of my friend's bar, Renegade's.  It's been open for awhile but this was the big day! Music, fireworks, a bouncy house! Just greatness all day!  I was supposed to go with my friend Nat but she ended up bailing on me because her ex-bf said that they were waiting for her to go tubing (their relationship is a looooooooong story...) so that left me not wanting to go by myself.  I sat in my house all day instead of hanging out listening to music. I was also flaked on (for the second time) by this guy that I was kinda seeing (not anymore).  So by the time that Nat got home from tubing and was ready to go to the bar, I didn't want to see her or her friggin' ex, so I went out with some other friends that called me randomly.  That was interesting... I met some new people, got kissed by an old friend that was trashed and I don't think he remembers and had to chill at Perkin's until almost 4am because some dumb-asses wanted to get into a fight in the parking lot over one of their great grandmas... (don't ask becasue I have no clue...)

SO that was my weekend. It was fun and dumb all at the same time... haha.

I'll let you know how my birthday goes ;)

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